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Dr. Steven Lovett, Associate Professor
"Not only will this degree provide the kind of advanced business knowledge education necessary to successfully navigate a career in business, it will improve critical-thinking and problem-solving skills."
Degrees Held:
Juris Doctorate, St. Mary's University, 1999
Career Highlights:
- Authored "Corporate Counsel: Practice Basics" in 2013 (ABA Publishing)
- Authored "Applied Business Ethics, 2nd Ed." in 2017 (Kendall Hunt Publishing)
- Authored "A Place With Dragons" in 2017 (Dragon Moon Press)
- Practiced law in Texas and New Mexico for 20 years
- Served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve for six years (infantry)
Which online degree program(s) do you teach?
Which classes do you teach online?
BU 573: Law of Commerce
What types of projects can your students expect in these courses?
Expect to complete reading assignments, discussion posts, and short papers.
What do students learn in your classes? What is the expected outcome?
This class covers, in detail, the common law of contracts, sales law (UCC), negotiable documents, secured transactions, property law, bailments, trusts and estates, and bankruptcy law. The class is intended to give students more detailed coverage of important areas of law for businesses.
What advice would you give to those considering this online MBA program?
Make sure you have a workable time management plan in which to complete the necessary work.
What is the value of this degree?
Not only will this degree provide the kind of advanced business knowledge education necessary to successfully navigate a career in business, it will improve critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Why did you start teaching?
Teaching provided a front-door way to much more effectively prepare future "clients" for successful business careers. Good corporate lawyers help their clients manage risk and build and maintain constructive relationships with a vast variety of stakeholder constituents. By teaching future business leaders, I discovered a greater amount of satisfaction in preparing them from the outset to be critical thinkers and strategists.
What is the one book you think everyone should read?
"Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" by Fisher/Ury
Tell us something interesting about yourself that your students might not know about you.
My true aspiration is to become a full-time novelist. I've begun that journey with my first novel, "A Place With Dragons," which is the first in a seven-part series.