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How to Become an Educational Administration Professional in Kansas

Educational administration is a vital component of the educational system, and professionals in this area are responsible for legal and financial matters, student performance assessment, resource facilitation, and the overall success of learners. Each state in the U.S. has its own set of rules and requirements for educational administrators, and Kansas is no exception.

Graduates of Emporia State University’s online Master of Science (M.S.) in Educational Administration program are prepared with the knowledge and skills to pursue educational administrator roles and foster school success.

What Is Education Administration?

The roles within educational administration vary widely, ranging from building principals, assistant principals, athletic directors, lead teachers, and more. This field involves a multifaceted approach to managing the complex web of activities within a school system.

According to, some of the main tasks of educational administrators include “providing leadership for the education of students, developing curricula, implementing assessments and managing human and material resources to achieve specific goals. It also includes the management of processes within a school system to ensure the achievement of particular outcomes.”

This usually means having significant responsibility to make large decisions, such as allocating funds to new programs, purchasing school supplies, or assessing the need to integrate new technology into the classroom. There are also challenges that are specific to the Sunflower State, such as the teacher shortage.

Teachers of Tomorrow notes that “[…] The state has more teacher vacancies per student than 75% of the US. They urgently need more quality educators, currently relying on substitutes and retired teachers to fill in the gaps.” This means that anyone following the career path into educational administration must be prepared to face the demand for teachers and foster school staff success.

But administrators and managers don’t only have to deal with numbers: being a sensitive leader and fostering a safer space for both students and staff also falls on the shoulders of these professionals. It should come as no surprise then that there are very specific requirements to enter this career.

The Road to Educational Administration: Licensure and Certification

For those aspiring to become educational administrators in Kansas with building-level certification, it’s crucial to understand the state’s specific requirements. The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) outlines the necessary steps for becoming a building or district administrator. Per the guidelines, candidates must hold a graduate degree and have five years of experience with the necessary credentials.

In order to obtain the license, the aspiring administrator must have graduated from a regionally accredited graduate degree with a 3.25 cumulative grade point average. Emporia State University’s online Master of Science in Educational Administration program stands out as a comprehensive and tailored pathway for aspiring educational administrators in Kansas. By equipping students with expertise in PreK-12 grades and building-level licensure, the program ensures that they are well-equipped to handle the challenges of educational leadership roles and meet relevant licensing requirements should they pursue them.

Note that the first step, according to KSDE, is to “[…] contact the licensure offer, at the college or university, for a plan of study … including entry requirements into the program.”

In order to be an administrator, KSDE also requires a minimum of five years of prior experience in a state-accredited school with an appropriate license. This could include a professional level teaching, school specialist or clinical license or a full vocational-technical certificate.

Average Salaries for Educational Administrators

Aspirants often wonder about the financial aspect of a career in educational administration. Nationally, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual salary for educational administrators is $101,320. However, salaries can vary based on factors such as location, level of education, and experience.

In Kansas specifically, reports that the average salary for education administrators is between $48,518 and $74,803, with the median income at $60,601. Despite regional variations, a career in educational administration remains financially rewarding, and the demand for qualified professionals in this field continues to grow.

Graduates of Emporia State University’s M.S. in Educational Administration program gain the necessary skills, knowledge and practice to pursue building-level licensure and leadership roles.

Learn more about Emporia State University’s online Master of Science in Educational Administration program.

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